Business Partner
Tata Tiscon 550SD
Overview And Experience

More Strength = More Savings
More load carrying capacity of the rebars. For a given design load, fewer number of rebars or reduced diameter is required.
- Easily carries design load without any structural cracks
- Optimised design leads to reduce steel consumption
- Up to 6%^ savings on steel quantity
More Value, More Convenience, More Reach
Introducing the revolutionary Super Ductile Tata Tiscon 550SD! It heralds a new era in construction, offering unmatched strength and durability for your future projects. Certified as India’s first GreenPro rebar, it embodies Tata Steel’s unwavering commitment to quality. Crafted with cutting-edge automation and sourced from virgin iron ore and pure steel, each rebar boasts superior load-bearing capabilities and enhanced earthquake resistance. Don’t delay – lay the groundwork for your dreams today with Tata Tiscon 550SD! ….More Info